The Cast

Real Name: Mark Day


Handle: Kinichie
Other Names:
Age: 26
Platforms Owned/Using: PC, Xbox 360, PS2, DS, PSP, iPhone4, Nintendo 64, Mega Drive, Commodore 64
Favourite game of 2010: Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Favourite game of 2011: Saints Row The Third
Favourite game of 2012: XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Favourite game of 2013: Tomb Raider
Game of the 7th Generation: Dissidia Final Fantasy
Most Embarrassing Gaming/Gaming related moment: Raiding in Molten Core on World of Warcraft, only for someone to say something stupid on Ventrilo, prompting me to faceplant my keyboard and accidently stick a pin in my head... making me announce it on ventrilo and post a picture of my injury.
Stupid Fact: I left Radar's steam running for 12 hours so Peggle would be his #1 game.
Xbox Live: Kinichie
Playstation Network: Kinichie

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