The Cast

Real Name: Mike Barton


Handle: Radarhead
Other Names: Rage, Radarhead
Age: 33
Platforms Owned/Using: PC, Xbox 360, Wii, DS
Favourite game of 2010: Mass Effect 2
Favourite game of 2011:
Favourite game of 2012:
Favourite game of 2013:
Game of the 7th Generation:
Most Embarrassing Gaming/Gaming related moment: When I was 13 I was playing in an arcade by myself, had to wee really REALLY badly, but for the first time ever I'd gotten to Balrog on SF2 on 1 credit, so was holding it in JUST, then managed to beat vega, then Sagat and was in the first round against M.Bison, at this point I the dams bust and I pissed myself..... And Bison won...
Stupid Fact: I am NOT a graphics whore!
Steam ID: Radarhead
Xbox Live: Filmanchu
Playstation Network: Radarheadge

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