The Cast

Real Name: Paul James Hill


Handle: PJBling
Other Names:
Platforms Owned/Using:
Favourite game of 2010:
Favourite game of 2011:
Favourite game of 2012:
Favourite game of 2013:
Game of the 7th Generation:
Most Embarrassing Gaming/Gaming related moment:
Stupid Fact: Bling was born of an egg on a mountain top. His father was a butcher, his mother a keen racist. Despite being plagued by chronic idiocy, Bling qualified as a doctor in 2000. Having been disbarred in 2001 he travelled the world. Today, still wanted by the authorities, he relocated to the Manchester underground where ge gets absolutely no work as a Soldier of Fortune. If you have a problem, and if you can find him, maybe he will tell you to fuck off. Probably in fact. He is a bit of a cunt. But he's our cunt, and we love him.
Steam ID:
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